Environmental Hazard Assessment of Bioinsecticides as a New Perspective for Ecotoxicology in Brazil


  • Eduardo Cyrino Oliveira-Filho Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina, DF, Brazil




biopesticides, regulation, ecotoxicity, biological control, toxicology


Biological products or biopesticides have been presented as an interesting alternative to the traditional chemical products used to control pests in livestock, agriculture and public health. Due to its insecticide action, independent of their origin, these products are regulated by the federal legislation of pesticides. The main concerns are related to the potential impacts on the environment and on the health of the exposed population. Recently, with the publication of the Normative Instruction no 3, in March 10 of 2006, regulatory agencies have defined specific requirements for biopesticides registration in Brazil, and among these requirements are several ecotoxicity assays. In this way, this review inform what are the microorganisms with registration for use in Brazil, describes the assays requested for registration and comments available results in literature about the ecotoxicity of these agents. The studies presented showed different situations where many times the agent’s specificity is not so significant and in some cases non-target species can be affected. Besides, the acquisition of these data could orientate the researches with microorganisms predicting the environmental feasibility of its releases in field experiments. All these information emphasize the importance of ecotoxicology in the environmental hazard assessment of bioinsecticides and configure this field of action as more one for this science in Brazil.



How to Cite

Oliveira-Filho, E. C. (2008). Environmental Hazard Assessment of Bioinsecticides as a New Perspective for Ecotoxicology in Brazil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Contamination, 3(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.5132/jbse.2008.01.001




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